Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cadmium post

1. Cadmium ore is not mined for the metal because more than enough is produced as a byproduct of the melting of other metals such as zinc, lead and copper. The main countries that produce this are Canada, USA, Australia, Mexico, Japan and Peru. 

2. There are many environmental impacts of the mining of cadmium, which is usually with zinc. It harms the soil, harming the animals dependent on plants for survival. It is also a major threat tp aquatic ecosystems. Regulations limit the enviromental affect of Cadmium. The regulations only allow a little amount of cadmium to enter the water through disposal of wastewater from households or industries. 

3.The human health concerns when used to manufacture consumer electronics are stomach pains and severe vomiting, bone fracture, reproductive failure, DNA damage, cancer development, and much more. Any animal or human who consumes cadmium is succeptible to gaining high blood pressures, liver disease and nerve or brain damage. This can lead to death. Smokers obtain cadmium in their lungs. 

4. The documented health impacts that are associated with its demanufacturing are the fumes that arise from the manufacturing. It is similar to the manufacturing, for both obtain the fumes that harms the lungs and can lead to death.